אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

The telecom technicians are responsible for establishment, operation and maintenance of different network systems.

The telecom technicians are responsible for establishment, operation and maintenance of different network systems. The “Vered Harim” system (the classified and encrypted network cellular system which are used by the soldiers in the fields to transfer classified information), a speaking system (the IDF’s immobile telephone network) and a data and code system (the IDF’s data network). This job includes handling the communication centers, work facing leading companies in Israel’s telephone domain, handling the network cores and network protocols.


What are the admission requirements?

Profile - 45 and above

 Designated for seniors of the cadet course \ electronic engineering and the following projects by the teleprocessing course and likewise to seniors of electronic subjects in 13th \ 14th grade. This job requires passing a security investigation successfully 

Yom Hame’a scores - for girls only:

Data processing - 2 and above

Technical - 3 and above

What does the role include?

Basic training (02) and preparation of 6 weeks in the school for communication subjects in “Tzrifin” base.

Where will I be placed?

In the “Hoshen” units.



The job assigning is determined by your personal data, your preferences, professional considerations, and the Military’s needs.There may be changes in the admission requirements mentioned above and additional considerations that are reflected in the status of your candidacy. Those who are qualified will be given the option to precede towards training and command courses.

אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

Magen Zofen - Zofen Defender
Operational Digital Activator