אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

The purpose of the Givati Brigade is to protect the country's borders from various terrorist threats


The purpose of the Givati Brigade is to protect the country's borders from various terrorist threats. The brigade is composed of 3 battalions and a patrol battalion which consists of a reconnaissance company that specializes in navigation and intelligence missions; An anti-tank company which is responsible for the operation of raven missiles from vehicles and other armored vehicles; Signal Corps “Heil-Hakesher” and the Engineering Corps specializing in sabotage, minefields, traps and bomb disposal.


What are the admission requirements? 

Profile 82 and above.

What does the role include?

4 months of basic training level 05, an advanced 3-month training session that provides Rifleman Level 07, and the completion of 3 months as a combat soldier in the course of that company. 

Where will I be placed? 

The brigade battalions carry out operations in the country's borders, mainly in the southern region and the Gaza Strip border area. 



The placement in the Givati Brigade is determined by a number of factors that are taken into account: your personal index and preferences as well as the Military's needs. There may be changes in the admission requirements mentioned above and additional considerations that are reflected in the status of your candidacy on this role. Those who are qualified will be given the option to precede towards training courses, command and officer courses. 

אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

Naval Combatant
Armored Corps Instructor