Did you get your 'Tzav Rishon'? Congratulations! From that moment on you are a candidate of the Israel Defense Force, or as they say - “Malshab” (IDF). We decided to equip you with all the information you need to know before the big day.
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First Call Up - 'Tzav Rishon'
How to Prepare for the First Summon - 'Tzav Rishon'
First Call Up - 'Tzav Rishon'
How to Prepare for the First Summon - 'Tzav Rishon'
Did you get your 'Tzav Rishon'? Congratulations! From that moment on you are a candidate of the Israel Defense Force, or as they say - “Malshab” (IDF). We decided to equip you with all the information you need to know before the big day.
The letter you received includes the date and time at which you are required to arrive to the recruitment bureau. It also includes your personal entry code for your personal area within the 'Mitgaisim' website, where you can check your results approximately 5 days later. In addition, you will also receive an information brochure and travel vouchers that will allow you to reach the recruitment bureau by public transport without charge.
What to bring to the 'Tzav Rishon'?
Please note. Without one of the following, it is not possible to pass the 'Tzav Rishon'.
- The draft notice which was sent to your mailboxes.
- Identification Document
Israeli Identity Card / Israeli Passport / Israeli Driver's License / Immigrant Certificate / “Shocher Card” (Pre-Army school card).
(all documents must be valid)
- A complete and signed medical questionnaire and details of your Health Maintenance Organization- HMO
- Urine and vision test results
(And any additional medical tests you have been required in advance by the military) - Personal details of your parents
(And a foreign passport if exists)
Upload files to the Website
You must upload the following documents to your personal area of the website on the page: "My Profile" before you arrive to the recruitment bureau:
Medical Questionnaire, Urine Test Results, Medical Documents for the 'Tzav Rishon', Documents of Learning Disabilities.
The Stations of the 'Tzav Rishon'
On the day you arrive at the Recruitment Center, you will pass through several stations: the data verification station where your personal details are verified; the psycho-technical tests station, where you will undergo a series of computerized tests on various subjects; the personal interview station in order to be acquainted with you; and the medical check-up station in which your medical profile will be determined by a qualified physician.
Quality Data
The results of the 'Tzav Rishon' are of great importance to your military future. The grades you will receive in the psycho-technical tests will be a part of what determines your assigned options in the preferences questionnaire, and finally the placement and the role you will serve.
- Primary Psycho-technical Rating Index ('Dapar')- Determined according to the results of the psycho-technical tests that exam the cognitive capabilities. Index range is from 10 to 90.
- Medical Profile - determines your medical condition and capabilities to the various Military arrays and has an impact on the nature and character of your service.
There is no doubt that this day requires you to perform your best. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you get enough sleep, eat and drink well and most importantly - feel comfortable, be yourself and enjoy the various stages and new friends you will meet.
Good luck!