New immigrants

lone soldiers


overseas recruitment department

אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

מאת: Mitgaisim Website

We would like to announce our unit called Overseas Recruit Department (O.R.D), which provides guidance and support for lone soldiers recruitment process - before and during their draft.

Logo of the Overseas Recruit Department

Am I a Lone Soldier?

Any soldier whose parents live abroad the country or the parents live in Israel but do not support them will be considered as a lone soldier.

How Do I Get Information About My Recruitment Process?

For any question regarding your recruitment and drafting process you can google the Mitgaisim website and check out our new English Section. For further information or any other personal questions please contact us on or via Whatsapp: 052-945-8579

What If My Hebrew Is Not Good Enough?

All “Olim Chadashim” with a low Hebrew level (determined by the IDF at your Tzav Rishon) will be required to begin their army service with a three-month army Hebrew Course at the Michve Alon base.

Can I Volunteer?

“Mahal” is an IDF volunteer program with the goal of allowing young men and women to contribute to Israel by serving in the IDF, without going through the official Aliyah process.

Garin Tzabar creates a group framework of guidance and support for young Israelis and Jews living abroad who choose to spend a significant time in Israel and to serve in the Israeli military.  It includes a preparation process that involves discussion, questioning and personal reflection prior to the arrival in Israel.

For more information search the website or contact the O.R.D -

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Who moved my application?
Postponing Your Enlistment For: Preparatory, Volunteer Year and Garinim